Dear Honey Run Friends,
Today is Christmas. Merry Christmas if you celebrate Christmas. If you do not, I pray you are having a peaceful and joyous day. If you do celebrate Christmas, I hope today is not the end of the celebration. Since moving up to Amish Country I have learned to appreciate and celebrate the twelve days of Christmas. The Amish celebrate Christmas, but they celebrate January 6th which is known as Old Christmas. This day is also known as the Epiphany which is when it is celebrated that the wisemen came and brought presents to their Lord and Savior Jesus. The history of how December 25th became Christmas day and the origination of the twelve days of Christmas is interesting and can be found here:
With this knowledge we keep up our decorations at the Inn until the end of January 6th. December 25th is just the beginning. I encourage you to slowdown and celebrate all twelve days of this joyous holiday. Do not allow the importance of the day to slip away after a morning of opening presents and a big afternoon meal. Feast for twelve days. Ponder for twelve days. Celebrate for twelve days. And be humbled for twelve days knowing that God came to this earth to be with us and redeem us.
Merry Christmas to all of you. I wish you a blessed beginning of the Christmas celebration.
Your grateful Innkeeper,
Merry Christmas, and thank you for keeping the Inn alive. We will be back!
Merry Christmas season, Jason! Would love to be at the Inn for all 12 days but cannot even get out of my driveway today because of the snow.
Thank you so much for the lovely video, music accompanying it and the informative letter. It is always a pleasure to get email from the INN. We will return….that’s a given. Happy Holidays to everyone there.
We’ll be there for New Year’s Eve! See you then! Is there a special menu?