February 7, 2021
Dear Honey Run Friends,
Friday afternoon I received a call from a longtime friend of Marge Stock informing me that she passed away earlier that morning. For those of you who do not know Marge, or anything about her, please allow me to share what I know about this incredible woman.
Marge was the founder and owner of The Inn at Honey Run. She received countless accolades during her storied career. As I was gathering photos of Marge for this letter to share with you, I was struck with a rush of emotion about how exciting her life was with The Inn. The Inn was a life-long dream for Marge, and she was finally able to see her dream come alive at the age of 52 with the help of her business partner and friend Margret Schlicting. The Inn is not a building, or a plot of land, or even a business, it is a living memorial to the thousands of employees, contractors, purveyors, guests, and Marge and Margret who have been a part of this fairytale we call The Inn at Honey Run. Marge knew this better than anyone else, she lived it day in and day out. The photos show her laughing, sharing, even scowling with people, all reflections of the lives she touched and the memories she made because of The Inn at Honey Run. Marge made lifelong friends through The Inn. She assisted and mentored numerous women, teaching them to stand strong, find their voices and pursue their careers.
I first met Marge when I purchased The Inn. She was in her early eighties at the time. Thankfully, I was given several years of friendship with Marge to learn from her the original vision and desire she possessed for The Inn. Hearing stories and learning about her as a person opened my eyes to the reasons she did many of the things that she did within her creation. The Marge Stock I knew was a generous and loving grandmother figure who repeatedly praised me for honoring and maintaining her “baby”. Marge, Margret, Carla, and I would meet for dinner and fellowship the first Tuesday of every month. We used these times of gathering to adventure around Holmes county and try the different restaurants and to share stories about The Inn and our lives.
Marge’s generosity and support will never be forgotten. I have heard several stories of former employees who were struggling financially, and Marge offered them assistance. Shortly after I purchased The Inn, it became evident that it was in worse physical shape than I had noticed upon purchase, and Marge stepped in and loaned us some of the much-needed funds to make renovations and updates. Shortly after the loan was made, one of Marge’s advisors gave us a letter from her stating that she had forgiven the loan. At this early stage of my ownership, this gift was a godsend. Without Marge’s assistance, The Inn would have struggled for several years had we not been able to fix and maintain these issues.
The thing I believe I will always remember the most about Marge is how she would always ask me “Jason, do you love The Inn as much as I do?” For years, I would give Marge the perfunctory response of “yes, Marge, I do”. But as the years progressed something changed in me. I remember the day I was sitting on Marge’s couch in her living room watching her stroke Bootsy her cat when I finally could tell her with absolute certitude, “Marge, I do love The Inn as much as you do”. After five years of ownership, I encountered a spiritual change and my eyes opened fully to what Marge Stock saw in her creation. I cannot fully describe the feeling, or what it is, but I know that Marge knows what I now know.
I am so grateful for Marge and thankful that I had time to know her as a friend. I am honored to carry on her work and to be a part of The Inn at Honey Run. I will forever remember the day she put out her right hand to shake mine and told me that I was doing a good job with her baby. I never sought Marge’s approval, but I am thankful I received it. Luckily, Marge and I share the same vision for The Inn, so it is easy for me to ensure it is nurtured and maintained. Thank you, Marge. Thank you for giving us The Inn at Honey Run. Thank you for blessing the hundreds of thousands of souls who have found refuge in its serenity and healing.
This is an end of an era. We lost Margret three months ago and now Marge. These two-woman dreamed, created, built, and ran this magical place that we all love, and they blessed us and generations to come with the magnificent memorial we know as The Inn at Honey Run.
Marge Stock
November 22, 1929 – February 5, 2021
Jason, Thank you for the wonderful tribute to Marge. She was everything you said. Her dream (her baby) lives on under your loving care. Those of us who are “regulars” are so grateful that the Inn found you.
The pictures brought tears to my eyes as I remembered times spent with Marge there in Holmes Co. Seeing Effie and Margaret with her brought back so many memories of the early days.
Thanks again for letting us know of Marge’s passing. Our thoughts are with all her friends and family. She left us all a great way to remember her: The Inn at Honey Run
Great pictures of Marge stock’s life. She started a large vegetable garden across the street from the Inn and was eager to explain her new challenge with fresh vegetables for the Inn . We walked down the street with Marge joined by her favorite cat who would jump on her and sit on her shoulders. In building the Inn Marge obtains discarded drapes from one of Cleveland large hotels had them cleaned and altered for use in the Inn.
My wife and I love to spend time there . There was a time when the Inn first opened when there were no phones,tv and it forced you to spend time with nature. To kind of hear your own wheels spin. Honey Run is a beautiful place to go for a weekend . I hope Jason maintain Marge’s dream and the Inn’s character.
Jim Gruden
Jason – What great pictures and what a wonderful tribute to a lady that was special to you. When I was there with the last Mercy group from Cincinnati, you were outstanding and showed such wonderful support for us with the trip to Millersburg in the buggies and the wagons. What a fun time we all had on that retreat! I need to make a trip back to the Inn at Honey Run which is one of my all time favorite places in that part of Ohio to visit. So glad you are doing well and that you are keeping the Inn at Honey Run alive and so glad Marge found someone that would love and take care of the facility as she had!
Thank you for writing such a wonderful tribute. I was one of those LUCKY ladies that she mentored and I will ALWAYS remember the 16 years that I was blessed to work at this special place. It truly was a family atmosphere from the staff to the many guests that visited many times over years. I pray that she and Margret are now at peace. I know these last years were definitely hard.
Oh, how sad we are to learn of Marge’s passing, and how grateful we are that you know her vision and love the Inn as she did, Jason. Thank you for sharing this sad news. We have so many fond memories of Marge. May she Rest In Peace and Love.
I adore stories like this, they are both encouraged and inspiring. What a wonderful tribute. It looks like she lived a life worth the legacy. Thanks for sharing.
What a wonderful tribute. My husband and I try to make a trip to Honey Run at least 1-2 x per year. We have traveled all over the world and find immense serenity and calm whenever we visit this treasure and it’s wonderful to hear the back story and love that forested such a gem .
Our condolences,
Katy Dix Brahler
Gary Brahler
Bay Village, Oh
Beautiful tribute. She has left us, but her dream lives on. Thank you for sharing. Thoughts and prayers.
In remembering Marge you have taken us back many years, Jason. She was the welcoming spirit that has kept us returning. Always scrutinizing, ever questioning, adapting her dream of hospitality. Thank you for falling in love with it as well.
What a wonderful tribute, Jason. Marge and Margaret both commanded a great deal of respect in the Holmes County community. They earned it by building a successful business, but further by their ongoing investment in the community. Marge was very loyal to local businesses, and was always willing to provide a critique of services. Accolades for good work. Positive constructive criticism when she beleived an improvement was needed. Either way, you completed work for her feeling appreciated. Additionally, her generosity to the community is a lesson to be learned. I can speak personally for the times she would call on my business to quietly fill a need in the community at her expense. She gave very generously to many local causes both large and small. She loved the Inn, and she loved our community. I consider myself lucky to have known both Marge and Margaret.
Thank you for giving us the gift of your memories with Marge. Through this tribute, and other writings, we have been fortunate to see her and her dream of The Inn through your eyes and heart.
Over the past 3 years, the Inn has become a special place to us.
We are grateful that you have undertaken the task of keeping Marge’s dream alive and making it your own so that we can share it as well.
Marge was a living example of vision, excellence, determination and hospitality. I enjoyed our visits and the welcoming she and Margaret extended to me on several occasions.
What a wonderful tribute to her. I truly believe that you love the Inn as much as she did. It’s evident from the moment you walk through the doors. I will keep coming back for that very reason. What a wonderful place with such a beautiful story behind it. Thank you for sharing this story:)
Thank you for sharing this beautiful tribute and story of Marge and the history of the Inn at Honey Run that includes Jason and Margaret! Our hearts are warmed by the continued love, hospitality and peace that will always surround Jason and the Inn at Honey Run! Peace and Love
Thank you, Jason for this knowing remembrance of Marge. When my wife and I stopped by the Inn for the first time on our honeymoon journey in 1985, we knew we had found someplace very special. Marge sat down with us at breakfast to share stories and later invited us to join her as she decorated the outdoor tree for the birds. The design of the Inn honored nature; Marge and her staff honored the people of Holmes County with her display of handmade quilts and her welcoming heart. Today, each of our married children (Cleveland Heights, New York City) now call the Inn their own secret getaway. And on our returns, we continue to marvel at the Inn’s quality and beauty. What a tribute to Marge and Margaret’s vision. Jason: thank you for honoring her dream, and making it real every day.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful tribute and story of Marge and the history of the Inn at Honey Run that includes Jason and Margaret! Our hearts are warmed by the continued love, hospitality and peace that will always surround Jason and the Inn at Honey Run! Peace and Love
Thank you for sharing about Marge whose vision and dream created a wonderful spot to visit in Ohio . Even the name, the Inn at Honey Run, brings beautiful thoughts and memories of this charming hide-away we visited a number of times during Marge’s ownership. I can say we only knew Marge through casual contacts while being guests at The Inn but our memories of her creation are very special!
When I was developing Library Leadership 2000, I toured a number of sites around Ohio – looking for the perfect location to bring 30 young librarians, six mentors, and two master instructors together for an incredible week-long learning experience. I found that perfect place at The Inn at Honey Run in rural Holmes County. It was such a joy to work with Marge in 1993 and 1995. She took care of all of the details at The Inn and made our stay so enjoyable and memorable. I am sure many of those participants have returned numerous times over the years. An innkeeper extraordinaire, Marge was truly “one of a kind.” Thank you Jason for making Marge’s dream your own and I know that The Inn at Honey Run will become even more special in the future.
While I did not know Marge personally, I knew of her through a mutual friend. I only heard about the Inn at Honey Run from another friend who travelled the world and said, “my wife’s most favorite place was The Inn at Honey Run”.
And so I went, met you, Jason, and your warm and wonderful staff. I will be coming again in April for my 7th visit to enjoy its beauty, nature and serenity, as well as your marvelous restaurant. To me, the Inn has a peaceful tranquility I find nowhere else. Bless Marge for entrusting the Inn to all of you – from your writing, I can tell she was truly a loving and trusting person…
I can’t help but love her and her vision she will be greatly missed .
Dear Jason,
Thank you for such a loving account and tribute to the memory of the incredible Marge Stock, her vision, her passion and the way she has, and will continue to, bless so many through her legacy, the Inn at Honey Run, and through your continued commitment to the mission that provides so much peace and joy to others, while sharing the beauty of God’s Creation. You mentioned experiencing a “spiritual change” within, during your time at the Inn. My husband and I began coming there in 1999, and return each year. The Inn has undergone many changes, but I have to agree; there is something “spiritual” about being at the Inn. It is ALWAYS something we experience, and something we can’t exactly explain, but it is why we will continue to return for as long as the Lord allows. May God bless you and the staff at Honey Run.
I have so many fond memories of Marge from the early days of The Inn. In my mind, I can hear her shouting “ATTENTION!!!” like she was known to do during our annual Gardening Symponsium gatherings each January back in the 90’s. I suspect she’s rallying the troops for a big project in the heavenly realm. She had vision and created something marvelous we all could share. She reminds us that dreams, even those that come late in life, can be reality.
I’m very sorry for the loss of your friend and mentor, Marge. Your tribute to her beautifully describes your relationship with Marge and the lasting impression she made on your life. You honored her memory and the spirit of her intentions with the keeping of the Inn At Honey Run. Marge built a lasting legacy that you now have the pleasure and honor of carrying forward. Thank you for the heartfelt words, the story and the photos. May her memory always bless you.
What a beautiful tribute. Thank you for making my day better
Thank you for sharing. My husband and I stayed at Honey Run many times in the early years and remember Margaret and Marge fondly. It was and always will be such a beautiful and peaceful retreat. The world lost two great women and I’m so glad they had the vision to create the Inn at Honey Run. May they both rest in peace. They are together again.
Thank you Jason for the information on
Marge Stock passing .
My wife and I have spent many a weekend or Holiday there. A place to get away from the stress of life and to be with nature . Once Covid has lessened alitte more we plan to return. Hope you keep up the good work that Marge started
This was a beautiful tribute to Marge. I have fond memories of working at the Inn as a server through college in 1988-92. Marge always treated us with such respect and kindness, but she always expected the highest standards. I remember cold winter weekend mornings home from college, prepping for breakfast service, just a couple of us in the kitchen before the rest of the staff arrived. We’d finish our work and sit down for a few minutes to read the paper and have a cup of coffee; Marge always trusted us to take care of things on our own. We servers were all friends and siblings, and I recall a few surreptitious games of waiter-tag and some other nonsense that Marge may or may not have caught on to! Then there was the guest who always brought his Lamborghini and let my buddy drive it. It was more of a family than a hotel in that way: many guests visited regularly and the Inn was their home away from home; Marge was like a favorite aunt to them. For many of us from that small, rural community, the Inn was our only glimpse of a more sophisticated way of life, and Marge encouraged us to finish our educations and go out into the world. Marge was a great influence for many of us, a great teacher and example, and I’m thankful for the wonderful memories.
Thanks so much for letting us know. We used to visit the lodge a few times each year. We met Marge when she sat down in a chair beside us at the restaurant and we chatted for a while. She always remembered us after that and took time to chat a few minutes. One visit, we happened to have the room that Marge always had when she stayed at the Inn. We heard a meow from outside the door and in opening it a large black cat came in and settled for the night. As we love animals, we just let her stay. We found out the next morning, this was Marge’s cat and the staff had been looking for her. We apologized for not letting them know and we all had a good laugh. Marge was a special person who created a special peaceful refuge for people and animals….. may she rest in peace.
My late husband, Bill Inglis, became a friend of Marge’s when he led a number of bicycle tours that stayed overnight at the Inn. After, he did some consulting work for Marge. I met Marge the first time we spent time at the Inn, and the last time we were there, we visited both Marge and Margaret at their home, probably in 2013. The Inn she created was a haven and paid tribute to the land and the wildlife, especially the birds. I regret I have not been back since then but I am grateful for the updates you write, Jason. You are to be congratulated for the work you have done to continue Marge’s vision.
Dear Jason,
Thank you for the beautifully written tribute for Marge. We have many very pleasant memories of visiting with her during our stays. We look forward to staying at the Inn soon. Keep up your good work.
Lucy & Howard Evans
Jason, what a wonderful tribute to a wonderful woman. Thank you for the many photos. Margaret and Marge are now the Guardian Angels watching over you and the property. May the Inn at Honey Run continue on with your vision, knowing you have these Angels over you!
Jason, thank you fir this beautiful story of love for others. Marge was a delightful lady. I have been to the Inn on several occasions and it is my most favorite place to go. I’m just sorry it has been so long since then. Still on my list of things to do soon. We had the opportunity to meet Marge on our first visit and her smile was like a big hug to me! You immediately felt at home. We will be back and we continue to treasure this gift of the Inn and a life well lived and loved.
It’s hard to believe they are both gone but oh the legacy they left. I worked at the inn from 99 to 05 and then started my own business. The way I managed my business was based on the many valuable things I learned about hospitality and going above and beyond that were part of what The Inn taught. They were truly instrumental in so many ways.
We’ve stayed at the Inn a number of times and always look forward to the next visit. I never met Marge but serendipitously, I worked for her nephews Pete and Chris Stock. Thank you Jason for sharing this.
Sandy Stranscak and Dorothy Uden says:
So sad to loose Marge – our memories of Marge and Margaret are some of our best memories! We’re so happy that we did have one ‘last time’ to see each of them at their respective assisted living facilities.
I discovered Marge and the INN at Honey Run via a cover story in the magazine of a Cleveland classical music station and was immediately enamored with the new property they opened – I held on to that article (still have it) until we could finally get down there and it became a frequent respite during with we never failed to meet up with Marge and Margaret.
tenure. As soon as we feel able, we will come spend time at the INN at Honey Run and honor both their memories and feel their spirit and appreciate their continuing legacy through Jason.
Our deepest sympathy to her family including her Inn family of guests and employees and all the HolmesCo residents who befriended and helped these ladies thrive.
You are so fortunate to have met, worked with, and been such a good friend with a living and now-departed legacy. She will be remembered and missed by so many, and her love for the Inn and others will continue to be passed on to future generations with much love.
Blessing to all.
I discovered The Inn a couple years ago when I was looking for a weekend place of respite by myself. It was perfect and I long to get back there. Thank you for sharing this wonderful tribute with all of us. I never met Marge or you, but your story made me feel like Marge and I had a lovely introduction and chat at her beloved Inn. Thank you for sharing so much.
What a beautiful and meaningful remembrance of Marge. I never met her but have heard so many great things about her and her dream for what the in became and continues to be under your leadership. May her memory continue with everything continues to be for all us guests!
It is too difficult to summarize the life of this remarkable woman and Margaret ‘s as well. Janice and I were with them often as they developed their Inn. I worked with Marge as she served on the Board of Directors of the Independent Innkeepers Association, now Select Registry. Her talent of planning our annual meetings helped us all to become better Innkeepers and to develop our association into one of the best in hospitality. She was not only dedicated to hospitality, but also to the history and traditions oh Holmes County. We shall return to the Inn where will cry and laugh in our remembering Marge and Margaret. Stafford Smith, first president of IIA.
Jason, that is a wonderful tribute. On Friday the 5th, my wife and I checked in to the Inn for one of the best weekend getaways ever. The staff and the winter grounds made the trip special. Everything that you mention of Marge, you have successfully achieved at the Inn. I was last there in the late 90’s. The next visit won’t be so far apart! Keep the faith.
I learned about the Inn from a realtor in Columbus. I immediately made a reservation for Dec. 1987, right after our shows were over but extended it right away to 2 nights. We were self-employed artists, & it became our Relaxation Retreat. After that we increased the number of nights & times we stayed. We got to know Marge pretty well. We gave talks there, photographed the patio tree for her holiday cards, bought dozens of reindeer ornaments from an employee to give as gifts, referred artists there to sell their work. We tried to lunch with Marge each time we returned even after she sold the Inn. Marge invited us to see her retirement home too. We loved her stories, & she encouraged us to share ideas with her. We felt like family & are very sorry to hear of her death. Thanks for sharing that. Marge was a real visionary, & we loved having time with her. Marge Stock was one of a kind!
Sharon Richwine & Jerry Anthony
February 9th
I remember the first time I read about Marge’s vision for the Inn at Honey Run in the newspaper. It was still a dream. The ground had not yet been broken. What a great idea, a retreat, a get-a-way from hectic everyday life. As soon as the Inn was open my husband and I made a reservation. We loved the Amish feel of the place, the great food, the beautiful rooms, Oma and Marge and her story telling, the views out the windows. It became a place we came to time and time again, gave visits as gifts to our parents, travelled there with friends where one time we had side by side rooms in the honey comb cottages and goats on the hillside were jumping on the stone walls and almost in our rooms. Every trip was a joy. She created a little bit of heaven on earth. Thank you. Marge.
Judy Magas
Thank you, Jason, for this wonderful tribute and history lesson of Marge and the Inn. I only wish I would have been able to meet such a great lady with such a mission to help other women stand up and “go for it!”
We love the Inn, as well, and look forward to another visit soon. God rest her soul.
We have been little more than passersby having stayed at your Inn on only two occasions (from Columbia Md.) I have a kindred affection for legacies such as this, being part of a 114-year-old rustic family-based club in western Pa. Thanks for sharing this wonderful account of two beautiful souls.
How saddened we were to learn of the passing of Marge. We first stayed at the Inn at Honey run on our honeymoon over 31 years ago. Marge and her staff made us feel so much like family that we returned many times over the years to celebrate our anniversary at the end of each May. We so enjoyed just sitting talking to Marge and listening to her story of first visit to the property which was to become the Inn. She said she told the realtor she had to have “woods, water and a view” and she was told she would never find all three. But leave it to Marge to prove them wrong!!!
Shortly after the guest houses were open, we were having lunch in the restaurant and Marge struck up a conversation with us asking if we would like a tour of the cottages. So Marge, my wife and I all piled into our little Toyota wagon, car seats and all and had a private tour of one of the guest houses with Marge as our tour guide!!!
She was larger than life. We always looked forward to seeing her when we would visit the inn. Thank you for this tribute. And thank you for allowing us to share such wonderful memories of Marge. She will be missed!
We got engaged, spent the first two nights of our honeymoon and each anniversary since then at the inn. It holds a special place in our hearts. Now that we have heard the story of Marge and Jason, it will be even more meaningful to us. Thank you, Jason, for your heartfelt tribute to Marge and for continuing her legacy. We’ll be back in September with a deeper appreciation for this beautiful getaway.
My husband, Brad, and I spent President’s Day Weekend at The Inn for about 10 years. It was our annual “get away” from our high pressure, high tech jobs. We loved the quiet; we loved watching the birds in the winter outside our room’s window; we loved the “raid the kitchen” each Sunday night. We learned a great deal at various other times we stayed there. I remember, for example, going with my mother to an Amish home to learn how to make pies. There was always something new to learn, other people to share that with, special music presentations, and locals talking about their way of life. Marge was more than an Innkeeper–she was a visionary benefactor. We look forward to a return to The Inn in the future.
Marge was truly an inspiration and blessing to all! We were frequent guests at the Inn at Honey Run almost from the first year it opened. Marge would recognize us every time we visited whether to stay overnight or to stop for a meal. We became friends with a few of the staff over the years, especially Paula Aurand–a real sweetheart.
The Inn at Honey Run had a special vibe–peaceful, quiet, beautiful, inviting. We never had a bad experience or disappointing meal–ever! The Inn, built into the woods, blended so well into the surroundings–it was heaven on earth. Every room had a view and the dogs and cats only made it better!
Thank you, Jason, for the beautiful and touching tribute to Marge.
I remember you!!! 😊 Paula
Your tribute to Marge is beautiful, Jason. Thanks for sharing. The Inn at Honey Run has been our go to place for about 40 years now…. and we enjoy it more and more. We love knowing that you love it so much. M
Thank you, Jason, for your lovely remembrances of Marge. She certainly was a remarkable woman plus a loyal and trusted friend. My mother Millie discovered the Inn in 1983, within a year after Marge and Margret had opened it. From that time on, Mom was hooked on the Inn and treasured her close friendships with both of those ladies, as well as with their third partner, Jean, who helped run the gift shop in later years……Marge will certainly be missed but her vision will continue to live on at the Inn at Honey Run.
Hello Jason
Greetings from Canada. My Father, Jerry Van Dyke and Marge became fast friends in the late 1990’s. My mom and dad owned Jerry Van Dyke Travel in Cambridge, Ontario Canada, a boutique tour company that believed in working with folks just like Marge. Folks who had a unique vision and created wonderous spaces in out of the way country inns.
Mom and Dad would travel all over the United States and Canada in November every year, searching for these magical places. Often with an old book in hand and directions scratched on a napkin. When Dad learned of the Inn, he contacted Marge to say hello and ask about bringing coach tours with retirees to the Inn. Marge was aghast. No! was her answer. Dad called many times and while Marge was always friendly, the answer was the same.
So, Mom and Dad drove down to stay a few days and visit with Marge. They became fast friends and Marge said, ‘lets try it.’ For many years Dad would drive the bus and Mom or I would be the tour guide. Wow, did we have fun.
With Betty and Carol, two local Amish ladies taking us around the area, guests were exposed to a wonderful way of traditional life. Evenings at the Inn were spent relaxing in nature, or visiting with Marge during one of her evening talks. Needless to say, our Canadian guests LOVED Marge and her Inn.
I got to know Marge well the few times I visited. I felt like her adopted son as she shared stories of the Inn, her joys and challenges and even sought my advice from time to time. I have often wanted to bring my own family to visit with Marge and even spoke of her this past January, wondering how she was doing. When I visited the site tonight and saw the date of her passing, I wept heavily. Oh how timing can be cruel. Yet how glorious the memories God gives us through the special people we meet.
I admire your forward vision and commend you for honouring the past that Margaret and Marge created. Certainly two of the most interesting people I have ever met.
We wish you well Jason. Not sure if we ever met, but I think we may have. I look forward to the day we come to visit to soak in the love I always felt at the Inn.
I was saddened to hear about Marge Stock and also Margret Schlichting, her partner. They were friends of my family for many years, via my mother’s sister Jean Robinson who lived in the Triplex house with the “two M’s”. Jean also worked in the Inn’s gift shop at one time. My parents used to take care of Marge’s pets when she was out of town on one of her conventions and the lack of enthusiasm from the pets (“ho hum, big deal, you are home” was the way that Marge described it) , reassured her that her animals were being taken care of properly. She doted on her cats! When Marge was starting the construction of the Inn, I remember her telling the construction crew which trees could be cut down and which couldn’t because she did not want the woods around the area to be totally void of trees. And then she would be in the area to ensure that things were done that way. Needless to say, the crews were not always happy with that decision! Lots of happy memories from visiting the Inn during and after construction and through the years. Despite all the hustle and bustle outside of Holmes county borders, the Inn was and still is a quiet haven to relax and de-stress. Christmas time with the huge pine tree hung with treats for the birds (placed on one of the decks) is another happy memory. All of these memories are due to Marge’s desire to have a “country” Inn. She was truly a visionary and happy to share her love of the countryside with others. The “two M’s” will be remembered fondly. All the best to you and your business endeavors in the future.
Lois Kastner
I was reminiscing my career with new friends last weekend and found myself ever so excited when I got to my experience at The Inn at Honey Run. It was the mid eighties and I was attending Ashland College to formalize my career in the hotel and restaurant business. Marge was on the board of that curriculum and had started an internship program. This was my introduction to Marge. Many interviewed for the sole position and I was blessed to have been chosen as her first intern. I recall, often, looking so forward to getting out of classes on Fridays and making the trip to the Inn every weekend. Marge gave me the opportunity of a lifetime to learn every aspect of the business and talk to everyone who worked there to take in what no text book could offer. The best experience of all was my “one-on-one” conversations with Marg and Margaret late into the evenings. We got to know one another, we laughed, we talked about EVERYTHING and I learned so much from them. One particular weekend, Marge informed me that she had made some arrangements with friends of hers in Solon and to make sure to bring my best suit and tie. We met at the Inn and then she sent me on my way. Marge had arranged for me to meet with the Director of Human Resources for Stouffer Hotels. She always claimed it was not an interview, rather a good way for me to learn more about the hotel industry. Well before graduating, I was recruited by Stouffer Hotels thus launching my career in the hospitality business. I will forever be grateful to Marg and Margaret for their kindness, their insights, their drive, the opportunity they gave me, holding me to a higher standard, and for their hand up not a hand out. The Inn at Honey Run is a beautiful place and those two ladies will always hold a special place in my heart. Blessed to have known them!