June 7, 2012
Dear Honey Run Friends,
Next week we will celebrate Flag Day on June 14th. What does the American Flag mean to you? Do you get chills when you see it wave in the wind and think of the millions of souls who have given their lives over the course of our country’s history so that you and I can be here today?
As Americans, we take for granted the liberties and freedoms that we enjoy every day. We easily forget the sacrifices by so many families that provide you and I the ability to worship any way we desire and to have the wonderful open debates about our governing leaders without fear. Whether you are Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian, or any one of the other parties available today, you are an American first. And while we so often digress into name calling and disputes over the policies of our government, we need to stop for a moment and be thankful that we have these debates. The beauty of our democratic system is that all parties involved genuinely love our country and want the best for its future.
I am proud to be an American and I hope you are as well. America is the land of possibility and just like the church, business, or any other organization; it is the people that make it great.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Our ancestors had the foresight and courage to stand up and risk everything for the great experiment we know as The United States of America. Celebrate with me on June 14th their wisdom, the courage of the men and women serving in our military, our past, present, and future politicians, and so many honorable Americans’ willingness to sacrifice for the good of our country.
Jason Nies
I want to thank you for your thoughtfulness. As a retired military officer, it is heart warming to receive your message of patriotism.
Over the years we have stayed with Honey Run on our excursions to Holmes County We plan to stay with you again next month. We hope there will be availability for us as we call later in the day. We will be calling.
Kenny Foss, LTC, US Army (retired)
Dear Mr. Foss
Thank you for the undeserved kind comments. At this moment I am in Latvia, one of the countries that suffered for
many years under the Soviet occupation. June 14th is a National Day of mourning here to remember the tens of thousands of citizens who were deported to Siberia on this day in the 1940’s. Many, including a number of my family members, never returned and were killed. Any American who has an ounce of understanding of the evils of this world should not only remember you Mr. Foss, but the millions of others like you who were willing to risk your most valuable possession, life, so that myself and my fellow American citizens would never know the fear and pain my ancestors endured.
Jason Nies