Dear Honey Run Friends,
What does family mean to you? Does this word invoke positive emotions or negative ones in you? For me, family brings forth the emotions of love, support, and joy. I know this is not the same for all of us. I have been blessed with an incredible family. My parents have been loving and supportive all my life. They are certainly not perfect people, but they are the perfect guardians of me in this life. They taught me the basics skills needed for life, provided for my physical needs as a child, allowed me to walk and fall on my life journey, and through it all always loved me and pointed me to God, and they are there when I need them. They have embodied the love of our Heavenly Father and have shown me a glimpse of the love of my Creator.
My two sisters are more than just blood relatives I must put up with at the holidays, they are my friends. I genuinely enjoy our time together and I know that whenever I have a need in my life, I can count on them to be there and help in any way. Sure, as kids we fought, but we also played games and had fun together. As adults we are champions for each other, and all are hoping for the others success and joy in life. Again, I know that I am blessed with these siblings as many of you do not share this same experience.
I have a great extended family of a niece, nephews, brother-in-law, aunts, uncles, cousins, great-aunts and uncles, grandparents, and even great-grandparents. Not all are still alive on this earth, but I have been blessed to have these relationships in my life and they all have helped form me into the person I am today.
I have a great family network of friends that despite not having any blood relation they are a part of my family. They have walked through life’s trials with me. We have experienced great joys and great sorrows. My family of friends have helped me grow as a person calling me out when I am in the wrong and sharing great laughter and good times when fellowshipping together.
My church family is comprised of my local church members and my many Christian brothers and sisters around the world I have served with in missions. I am a member of a local church that I have made deep and lasting friendships while worshiping, serving, and studying God and our relationship with Him. Some of my closest friends are in neighboring states at other churches who I have traveled the world with while serving and sharing God’s love with our fellow man. I also have close friends in Uganda and Jamaica where I have served and worked with these Christian brothers and sisters to help others in their country know the love of God through our actions.
My family at The Inn at Honey Run is comprised of our team members and all of you, our guests to the Inn. Just as in any family there are some of you, I am closer to than others. But every one of the past and present team members as well as past and present guests are members of this special family. We share special occasions and celebrate life’s victories and defeats. The prayer I have is that we are mutually beneficial to all members of the family while being there for each other in times of need and celebration.
You see, for me, family is the center of my heart and soul. Family is a gift from God and when each family member is more concerned about the others more than their self this family unit can be a life changing, lifesaving, life making, body. I pray as you evaluate the families in your life you too can find the joy and love that I have in my family. If you are alone or estranged from your family come join ours. We are always looking for more good souls to add to our family tree and share some good laughs.
Your blessed in family love innkeeper,
I love how bold you are how you own your faith. Just that alone makes me want to give you my business
Jason, I always enjoy your writings and reflections. Well said!
As a pastor, I have met and loved many whom I still consider as my family! All of my birth family is vitally important as well as those who are adopted and the love we share cannot be duplicated! Even in raising children, I always told my children I loved them, but not their behavior sometimes! God has never quit loving me even when I mess up, I need to extend that kind of love to all the family God has given to me. God has been good to me with many people who love me and are loved by me. Each church I have served is filled with special people called family., people I love and care for. Wow! I think I may have a new sermon brewing! God Bless you Jason and I hope we see you soon!
Great outlook on family and “extended” family. Thank you for sharing!!
Family is indeed God’s biggest blessing for everyone. Family, church family, our family of co-workers, and even family we don’t know yet. God showers us each and every day with an ever-growing family! Thank you, Jason, for your encouraging words and for sharing your family and your memories with us. You exemplify the words in Isaiah 26:3 with your words of love of family and of God.
I love your articles and Love that you are part of my family❤️