Dear Honey Run Friends,
It is with a heavy heart I write today to share with you the passing of Satchmo, our beloved cat and friend at The Inn at Honey Run. Satchmo showed up at The Inn eleven years ago as a kitten. As with all strays that arrive at The Inn, we adopted him, fed him, and made sure he was healthy with the veterinarian. Satchmo had a big personality, and he will be missed by the staff and guests. If you review our social media and the posts from guests, you will see Satchmo was the most popular attraction at The Inn. He would walk with guests along the trails, take naps in the middle of the parking lot, and greet the staff every morning as they arrived at work. My favorite thing about Satchmo is how he knew the checkout and check-in times. During the checkout and check-in times he would hang around the entrance of The Inn to watch the traffic and get all the attention he could swindle out from each guest passing by. Then, once the traffic quieted down, he would retreat to the outside staff break area and wait for the next staff member to come out and give him attention. In the winter, he would sneak in the front door and curl up under the Christmas trees trying to hide in the fake snow so no one would see him.
He was a great cat and friend to many. He brought a smile to everyone’s face and never found a person he did not like. We were lucky to share this time with him and he will be missed. He was and will always be a big part of The Inn at Honey Run family.
Your saddened Innkeeper,
R.I.P sweet one.
Play over the rainbow Bridge.
Gonna miss your greetings. 😢
I think my wife and I had the pleasure of meeting Satchmo on our visit to the Inn at Honey Run. Hopefully there’s another fur angel waiting in the wings.
As I read the story of Satchmo it was so true. We have stayed at the end 6 times over the last few years. We would be greeted at the entrance with the big white cat- (Satchmo). We would eat dinner then our son would bring kitty a treat and always love on him. Kitty also walked on the trail with us one time. We looked for him each time we came to stay at the Inn. We will miss seeing him! John and Tami Williams and Tyler Williams-son
We always looked forward to your greetings. You’ll be missed sweet Satchmo 💕
Satchmo, we will miss you when we walk the trails around your beautiful home. You were a great ambassador. We hope you are getting belly rubs in kitty heaven.
It is so hard to loose a friend and part of the family. Satchmo was a beautiful and loving cat. We are so sorry for all there who are grieving this loss.
What a lovely tribute- we always enjoyed seeing Satchmo when we stayed.
We always looked forward to his greeting. Last October we got out of the car, started to walk toward the Inn and sure enough there he was. He will be missed.
Thank you for sharing this sad loss. You wrote a beautiful tribute to Satchmo and the joy he brought to The Inn.
Yes I always loved seeing Satch mo I wish she could have gone on longer the lfe of an outdoor kitty is hard! Love to Satchmo and we will remember!
Awww, we met Satchmo for the first time in August at the Inn and were looking forward to coming back this coming October to see him and love him some more. What a special kitty, or maybe guardian angel, you had! My heart goes out to you-but the Rainbow Bridge will lead him to greener pastures 💖💖
He welcomed us upon each and every arrival. Such a sad loss. Thank you for sharing him with us…
Always loved seeing him when we came there to eat. He will be deeply missed. Satchmo was the Inn at Honey Run. Lovely tribute.
We loved meeting Satchmo! He followed us everywhere. He will be missed <3
I’m so sorry to hear this… We had the pleasure of spending a few special moments with Satchmo a few weeks ago. We could tell he was an old wise one… He was happily hanging out front by the bird feeder, keeping a keen eye on a drain hole. We know Satchmo can never be replaced, but his legacy will live on.
We were honored to be escorted on a walk to the stream by two of Satchmo’s friends. I think he taught them well. They too made us feel so lucky that they chose to spend time with us. They know they have big shoes to fill…
So sad…
He was ALWAYS there when we checked in at the Inn. Spent many moments rubbing his belly. He was an institution at The Inn at Honey Run. Farewell dear friend.
We could always count on him to greet us in the parking lot when we arrived for each stay, always looking for a pet. We even made a comment that we didn’t see him yesterday. This sweet kitty will be missed. 😔
Such a touching tribute to Satchmo. We enjoyed visiting with him when we have visiting the Inn. He had a unique personality and it was as if he understood what you were saying. He was a gentle and friendly soul. We are truly sorry for his loss.
Yep we chatted with him numerous times as we were entering the front door.
Sorry to hear this….he had a great life!!! It’s never easy to lose a beloved pet/ family member. He will be missed. Thank you for letting us know and sharing the memories with us.
What a lovely tribute for a lovely friend. Satchmo will certainly be missed.
Yes, I was one of those who also stopped and paid him some “much needed” attention! Sorry for your loss.
I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. I never had the pleasure of meeting Satchmo , but I do know the pain you are experiencing with losing such a good animal friend. It sounds like he made a lot of people’s day a little happier. Your tribute to Satchmo was beautiful and I hope time will heal the pain, but may he always be remembered.
So sad, he’ll be missed. I love all the cats at the Inn. They help make it a special place.
My condolences for your loss. What a lovely tribute.. I’m sad I won’t get to meet this cutie pie on our upcoming visit. RIP Satchmo.
My husband and I adored him during our visit and are saddened to hear of his passing. As animals lovers, we want to thank everyone who cared for this delightful little cat and shared his beauty in the world! Thank you for letting us know he passed.
Very sad news about Satchmo. He was an official greeter. When you saw him by the driveway you knew you had arrived.
My husband & I just recently stayed at the Inn & met Satchmo for the first time. He greated us as we were checking out & then stayed with us walking the trails, as if to be our trail guide. We had an instant connection with him. What a special cat, he will be missed by many.
Satchmo was on our patio wall just last weekend! We didnt know the history, so thank you for sharing.
We loved meeting Satchmo when we stayed at The Inn.
She was one of the highlights of our trip!
So sorry we didn’t get a chance to meet him.😔
Jason, Thank you for the inspired words and I am so sorry for your loss.
So sad to hear this. Sweet eulogy, Jason. Satchmo was special – a friendly com”fur”t to many visitors at The Inn. “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong (the original Satchmo) is a perfect tribute.
So sorry to hear of Satchmo’s passing. You always knew he would be there to greet you. The last time we were there, he walked the whole trail with us! When we stopped, he stopped. We loved it!
We will definitely miss you Satchmo. I hope you still take some hikes in kitty heaven.🙏🙏🙏
I’m so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you gave this little one a wonderful life full of adventure and plenty of love.
Satchmo was a great part of our visit to The Inn at Honey Run. He would come to our back door of our hotel room and we let him in to feed and pet him. Every time we came there we looked for him. Satchmo will truly be missed my me and my husband 🙁
Rest In Peace, Satchmo! I remember meeting him during my first visit to the Inn. He was sitting out front waiting to greet my boyfriend and I. I remember smiling from ear to ear and even snapped a few pictures with him. He will always be remembered. What a wonderful kitty.
We are so sad to hear of Satchmos passing. On several of our stays he was our guide while walking the property trails. We have several pictures of him as he led the way. My husband and I will miss him as I’m sure the entire staff and all that met him will. RIP Satchmo ❤️
Sad news. Greeting Satchmo was always one of the first treats when arriving at the Inn. We will miss his friendly purrs, and giving happy rubs in the parking lot.
Thanks for writing the tribute! I’m sorry for all of our loss.
Satchmo, you had a great life at The Inn …. Rest easy big fella.
We met Satchmo about 5 years or so ago when we stayed at the Inn. We referred to him as the “mayor” and he seemed to be everywhere. His spirit will always be part of the Inn.
We will miss Satchmo! He was an important part of the Inn! RIP darling kitty!
We stay at the Inn almost every year and would always look for Satchmo at the front door. He had a giant personality and we thought of hi. As the “major dojo” of the property. I don’t think anything happened without his knowing about it. Thank you all for caring for him, and the other cats. We always miss our cats when we travel and look forward to seeing yours! And many thanks for all the photos you posted of Satchmo. He will get his share of treats, head pets and tummy rubs in heaven.
I’m sitting in McDonald’s parking lot at the Columbus airport waiting for Carla & I read the story about Satchmo… I got BIG tears in my eyes. Can’t believe he’s gone. He was the first one I seeked when I came to the Inn, but I didn’t have to look far, because he was ALWAYS there! Goodbye, dear friend…
(Satchmo was a goobouy!)
Sad when we lose our furry friends
So sorry for your loss. We enjoyed our visit and Satchmo helped make it so pleasurable We have a lot of nice pics of him. Years ago we lost our Satchmo who we were lucky enough to have for nineteen years. Recently we lost our Virgil who looked similar to your Satchmo. I’m sure they’ve met over the Rainbow Bridge already. We share in your sorrow and will always share memories of them both. Thank you so for giving Satchmo such a wonderful
home and life. Hope to see at Honey Run again.
Hope to see again at Honey Run.
I loved seeing Satchmo during our time at Honey Run. ❤ It is always so hard when we loose a fur baby. Rest in piece you handsome feller. You will be missed by all who met you
So sad to here of Satchmo’s passing. He was such a sweet boy and followed us around when we stayed there. We took a lot of pictures of him. His presence at the Inn will be greatly missed! RIP sweet boy
So sorry to hear this sad news. We always loved seeing Satchmo as he always greeted us when we would arrive at The Inn. Sure will miss this precious cat!! Thanks for sharing this news with us. 😢💔
I’m so sorry that we were unable to make our usual February trip to the Inn this year. We had been thinking of coming out in May or June to make up for our missed trip. We were so saddened to learn of Satchmo’s passing and feel terrible that we missed the opportunity to fuss over him a final time. We met Satchmo six years ago when we discovered the Inn. He was a wonderful cat and a friend to the staff and guests. It was apparent that he loved his life at the Inn. Thank you for taking him in and caring for him over the past 11 years. We will miss him and think about him at every future visit.
Satchmo’s passing and feel terrible that we missed the opportunity to fuss over him a final time. We met Satchmo six years ago when we discovered the Inn. He was a wonderful cat and a friend to the staff and guests. It was apparent that he loved his life at the Inn. Thank you for taking him in and caring for him over the past 11 years. We will miss him and think about him at every future visit.
We were saddened to learn of Satchmo’s passing and feel terrible that we missed the opportunity to fuss over him a final time. We met Satchmo six years ago when we discovered the Inn. He was a wonderful cat and a friend to the staff and guests. It was apparent that he loved his life at the Inn. Thank you for taking him in and caring for him over the past 11 years. We will miss him and think about him at every future visit.
He sat with me while I read one day. We had a relaxing time. He was a sweet kitty.
Jason & Staff, thank you for sharing your wonderful Satchmo to all of us who have stayed at the Inn. He was your official ” Inn Keeper “.
Satchmo’s spirit will live on in all of our hearts.
We could never tell what Satchmo was thinking, but he looked like he always knew what we were thinking. We will miss him.
Jason, hope to visit the Inn soon.
Bill & Martine
Jason & staff, thank you Krsharing your wonderful Satchmo to all of us who have stayed at the Inn. Satchmo’s sweet spirit will live on with all of us.
Great tribute to a wonderful kitty and one feline welcoming committee. We’ll miss him and remember all the times he greeted us and saw us to our car as we left. And we’ll always remember the night he joined us at the fire pit and made sure to sit in both of our laps for a while! Nothing makes a place feel like a home away from home like like a happy greeting from a furry friend!
So very sorry for the loss of this special friend.
He sounds a lot like my dear Sammy. He was also a stray that a co-worker took in and that I ended up adopting. He also had a big personality and left a big hole in my life when he passed. You have my sympathy at your loss.
Sharon and Rickard Fleming
Guests a few years ago
We are so sad to hear this. On one of our recent trips, Satchmo led us for two miles on a hike through the woods. He even let me pick him up and ferry him across the creek (I have a video if you would like it).
He will be missed by all who met him. A wonderful cat who found a wonderful home with you. Maybe you will take in another wonderful cat who needs a home. That is what I did and it is just
the best thing to do.
I will miss him so much.
Rest In Peace sweet baby.
Awww, we were so saddened to hear of Satchmo. If he was not there to greet us, something was amiss. His whereabouts was always my first question to the front desk. We always chose the corner window table for breakfast overlooking the staff entrance to see him greet employees. We hope he trained his buddies well. Looking forward to seeing the next generation of Satchmos.