Dear Honey Run Guests,
This past year has been a true rollercoaster of life. My ride on the coaster began early in 2011. I was filled with hope and some fear of what 2011 may possess for Honey Run and for me personally. As I climbed the first hill, I wondered what challenges I would face in 2011. As the train of cars was released and we were heading down the first hill, I was filled with exhilaration for the growth of Honey Run and its team members. As I hit the bottom of the first hill I was faced with the reality of life as one of our team members suffered a heart attack. Uncertainty and fear began to grow as I climbed the next hill but I could not stop the energy of the ride. As we crested the next hill and began our free fall, I was forced up and out of my seat, and our team member not only survived but came through with minimal long term damage.
Up I go and we continue our work at the inn to care for our guests and to make the necessary changes to enhance their time with us. I watched another couple wed at Honey Run and begin their own ride! I continue the climb with anticipation of an upcoming family reunion. What a thrill it is to share the Honey Run experience with multiple generations and share a couple of magical days. Now a sharp turn and swoop into a couple of loops. I can barely catch my breath from all the changes at the inn when I am faced with our founder being hospitalized with breathing issues and a close friend having quadruple by-pass. I am wondering if this ride will end! Just as I thought that they both made great recoveries! Then as I am pushed against the protective harness the bottom falls out, my Grandmother passes away and the holidays hit.
A welcome calm as the ride smoothed a bit and I approached the end of the year. A few final fast bumps and I am provided with great joy as I watched my niece and nephews enjoy Christmas with such innocence. As I approached the loading platform, all of these events and countless others flashed before my eyes. I reflected on the joys that came with the growth of Honey Run and with our guests reacquainting themselves with the peace and serenity that Honey Run offers from the rollercoaster of life. I reflect on the scary moments when the lives of loved ones were in jeopardy and the loss of my grandmother. I ponder the pain and how I got through it. I look around and know how I got through it. I watch the sunrise over the pastured hills as the morning dew sets. I hear the birds’ chirping as their work begins. I watch my team members work hard to keep the magic of Honey Run alive. I see the happiness of friends as they reconnect while visiting Honey Run.
And just as my vision is clearing and I arrive at the station, I hear the ride operator say “Go again! Your ride is not over yet. Make you sure you look around a little more at the scenery” And now 2012 begins. The ups and down are hard, but with faith and the love of family and friends, it so worth it. Enjoy your ride this year and know this friend, Honey Run, is always here for you, to nourish you,heal you and reinvigorate you.
See you soon,
Jason Nies