Dear Honey Run Guests,
During this time of advent, many people are joy-filled with the sights and sounds of the season, but many are hurting. This time of the year reminds us of those who are no longer celebrating with us. It amplifies their absence and snuffs out the joy for those of us remaining. And there are those of us who have just received word that we are facing our own mortality as we fight a wicked disease that has declared war on our body. There are families who have loved ones in battlefields as we speak. There are refugees fighting for their daily survival. There are evil doers plotting harm to innocent victims at this very moment. Addictions are destroying families and ravaging individuals. How could anyone be happy at this moment in time with these tragedies?
Christmas ushers in hope. On a plain day, in a plain land, with plain and ordinary people, God brought us our Savior. And Christmas is the day we celebrate the birth of hope through Jesus. With the birth of Jesus, we are promised more than a hiatus from our sorrows and pains; we are offered redeeming grace. We are often reminded of the bible verse John 3:16 when watching a sporting event with someone holding up a sign, but I wonder why they stop at that verse. The following verse, John 3:17, has always carried more weight for me when it says, “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.”
So that is what Christians are celebrating at Christmas. Hope in their Savior that has come into our world to relate to us, to help us, to save and redeem us. We in return must live as Jesus lived and love our brothers and sisters of the world. My Christmas prayer is that we all can lay down our egos and selfish desires and help our neighbor, to lift up those that are hurting, and share the many blessings we have received in our life. I admit that I fail at living this ideal daily, but this season reminds me of how I want to live. It is my prayer and Christmas wish that I make strides in getting better this year, and for all the years to come, that I am blessed to be a present in this life.
I pray that you are blessed this Christmas.
Your imperfect and humbled Innkeeper,
What a beautiful message, Jason. Thank you so much for sharing your faith and belief. Nowadays, far too many would not have the courage to openly share as you have done. May God bless you, and may you have a blessed and joy-filled Christmas!
Great word Jason. Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!
You have written one of the best Christmas messages from a business owner I have been privileged to read. You have reminded us the true meaning of this Christmas season; that the world might be saved through Jesus to all who call upon Him and believe that God raised Him from the dead.
I am a retired lawyer. I am all too aware of the legal challenges on business owners who dare to share their faith in Christ in our culture. I am blessed and encouraged by your courage and strong faith.
Recently, you helped me with a billing issue at the Inn. The whole time you were talking to me, you were understanding and respectful to me.The way you handled it and resolved the issue exceeded our expectations. I was thinking you are different from some other business owners with which I have dealt. Now I know why; you are practicing the love of Christ that is in you and bringing it into the market place. .
Thank you for shining Light into this dark world. (John 8:12). Thank you also for all you do to maintain the Inn as a place of serenity and peace and hospitality where we can come to be refreshed and recharged.
I hope to meet you in person next time my wife and I are guests.
Blessings and Best Regards
I fully agree with the above comment from Julie. Thank you for sharing your faith – not just during this Christmas season. He is our only hope in this world – our blessed hope. God bless you and your staff at this wonderful Inn.
I love reading your letters, Jason. Your kind and thought-filled thoughtful spirit comes through in each letter you write. I also echo Julie’s response. Thank you for your openness and willingness to share your faith and feelings. May you and those around you be blessed.
I always enjoy your perspective Jason. You are spot on with this message at this time and for always. Wishes for a Blessed Christmas season to you, your family, and to all the employees at the Inn. Peace my friend.
What a wonderful, beautiful letter. I pray that you will be better soon and that 2017 will be a beautiful year for you. I love your faith-filled messages. Blessed holidays to you!!!!