Dear Honey Run Friends,
I want to begin my letter this month with gratitude. I am so grateful for all our Local, State, and Federal government officials who are leading us through this pandemic. Their leadership and guidance are helping us combat this virus and helping all of us receive the financial assistance to help our workers and companies that are affected by this health crisis. Thank you to all the medical professionals who are sacrificing their own health for the greater good and helping those of us who are extremely sick. Thank you to our citizens who are doing extreme acts of kindness and charity to help those who cannot help themselves.
While we hear that this is an unprecedented time, we know if we look through history that these pandemics happen from time to time. While the death and sadness that abound around us is painful, there is hope. The actions of many give me great hope for tomorrow.
It’s Friday, but Sunday is coming! Tony Campolo and others have great Easter sermons using this title, but pastor S.M. Lockridge is credited for first stating this triumphant call. We are currently celebrating Passover, and Easter is just a couple of days away. My prayer is that each of you have a blessed Easter and know that we are in the “Friday” phase, but Sunday is coming! We will beat this virus and return to “normal” life, and my hope is that the humanity we have found in this disaster is not lost once things go back to normal. I pray we remember that not just in this pandemic but in this life, we are all in this together. Let’s keep the love going for our neighbors and those who need help, and make this pandemic the starting place of a new way of life for us all. That begins with naming the king of your heart. Please listen to S.M. Lockridge eloquently state who his King is:
Happy Easter and Passover!