Dear Honey Run Friends,
Summer is one of my favorite seasons, and when I reflect, summer nights top that list of cherished times. I truly enjoy sitting outside shortly after the sun sets, still feeling the warmth of the day. I take it all in – the magnificent lighting display fireflies put on all around me, hearing the symphony of insects playing the forest lullaby. These perfect moments give me time to slow down, collect my thoughts from the day, and spend time communing with my Creator.
We spend most of our time pushing our way through life with our agenda, our wants, and our desires, rarely slowing down to step back and listen to God’s desire for our life. Does He want you working so much that you miss the special moments in this life with family and friends? We sacrifice our health and spiritual well-being so often for financial gain. I was recently in Cuba on a mission trip and our spiritual leader posed the question, “what does it matter?” I have heard this question asked another way. “In 100 years will this task, object, or thing that we are stressing about now, matter?” These principles have helped guide me most of my life. I, like so many, allow myself to get taken offtrack at times, but I do try to filter most of my actions and decisions through these lenses.
How is your time management? Are you taking the time to spend with loved ones? Are you prioritizing your time to properly balance work with life? Do you stop and offer time of communication and worship to your Creator? Are you thankful for the bountiful blessings we all as Americans have been blessed with by being born into the most prosperous nation in the history of time? I pray you have time for clarity and time to reflect on the words “be still and know that I am God.” I have found in life when I trust God and rely on His provision life is better than I could have ever imagined or desired. While there are setbacks and certainly times of pain and struggle knowing He is always present and with me is all the comfort I need.
I am a work in progress with these concepts. If any of you have mastered this part of life, please share with me so I can learn better ways to slow down and enjoy the quiet moments. I hope you have some time to stop and enjoy these summer nights and enjoy the time with those that matter most to you in your life.
Your peaceful summer night enjoying innkeeper,
Beautifully put! I love that you speak openly about your beliefs and faith in God! You are a inspirational writer!
Thank you and God Bless you,
Great words! Thanks for reminding me to slow down.
Jason, You are certainly an inspirational writer and so beautifully written. Thanks for always giving me words of wisdom.
Caroline Lilburn
Great thoughts to ponder on!! Thank you for sharing!!!
Wouldn’t it be nice if the world was full of more people like Jason? You excel in the art of calmness. Our next reservation is in October, we cannot wait. By the way, we were so enthused with the vast amount of birds and animals outside your windows, we redid a section of our backyard so now we can enjoy the wildlife at home. Thank you!