Dear Honey Run Friends,
I returned to the U.S.A. late Sunday night from a three week trip to Uganda. As I was driving home Monday morning from the Pittsburgh airport I was overwhelmed with emotion. The first thought that struck me was how smooth the road was and how comfortable and luxurious my car felt (if you have ever travelled the roads in sub-Saharan Africa you understand what I am saying). As I watched the outside scenery change swiftly through the window I was filled with joy. I’m home. Gratitude filled me and I thanked God that I live in America.
One of my passions in life is to travel and experience different cultures. As each mile passed I was enthralled with the budding trees and the calming peace of the water at Tappan Lake. Every moment of my journey inching me one step closer to my residence. Finally, my driveway appears and I pull in and park my car. As I exited the vehicle I absorbed the sights, smells, and sounds of home. Hearing the silence of the country with the light chirping of the birds and the calming sound of the rushing creek as the warm air brushed my skin I felt like the richest man on earth.
As I entered my house I was struck with how blessed I am to have an endless supply of fresh, safe, life-giving water and sanitation facilities. I must admit that it is rare that I use the bathroom and feel grateful for the clean toilet and sterile room. After three weeks of not having such luxuries I am not only grateful but my level of awareness has risen to remind me how well off I am. I thoroughly enjoyed my time of fellowship with my Ugandan friends but there is no place like home.
As I reacquainted myself with Honey Run it was as if I was arriving for the first time. I was admiring the beautiful landscaping that was recently completed, I saw the new bee hives that arrived during my absence, I visited the sheep and took a moment to watch them peacefully grazing on the hillside, and I soaked in the forest in amazement of all that has grown and bloomed in just a short time. Spring is definitely in the air and the plants have answered their call to begin to grow this season.
I hope you have moments in life when all that is normal in your life becomes evidently clear how much we have as citizens of this great country. There is no denying that life is hard and we all face many challenges and disappointments, but we are blessed, and even in the tragedies there is much to be thankful for in this life. Give yourself the best gift you can today and take a moment and Be Still, take a deep breath, and think of all the great things that you have at this moment. I promise you the positives outweigh the negatives if we allow them to shine through.
Your refreshed and grateful friend,
Thank you Jason for reminding us that being grateful is never out of fashion. My spouse and I have returned from the wonderful Mother’s Day lunch. Just wonderful! Especially since our favorite waitress, one among many, Liz served our table. What a delight. As always we enjoyed a relaxed and elegant dining experience.
This message brought tears to my eyes.
Thank you for sharing Jason.