It was a clear, hot, sunny day when I took this picture. As I checked bluebird boxes, the open blue sky above allowed bright hot rays of sunshine to heat my skin. Nothing summoned me more than that maple on top of the hill and the cool, crisp, shady relief I knew it had to offer.
With summer officially here, we’re always finding ways to beat the heat. Fans, pools, air conditioning, popsicles, ice cold drinks; the list goes on and on. As much as I use and enjoy those means, there’s still nothing like the instantaneous “ahh” sensation of stepping into the shade of a tree. Moreover, the rustling of leaves and wildlife add sound and movement to enjoy. Thus, with this blog I wanted to remind readers of why trees are to be celebrated and invested in.
Perhaps we get too busy to really think about the way they make us feel and all they have to offer. The benefits of trees are social, communal, environmental, and economic. Besides their aesthetics, trees provide:
- Shade
- Seasonal Diversity
- Enclosure
- Screening
- Barrier
- Glare Reduction
- Enframement
- Air Purification
- Erosion Control
- Wildlife Habitat and Food Sources
- Directional Guides
- Noise Reduction
- Wind Control
Of course, there are initial investment costs with purchasing, planting, and watering trees until they’re established. But, trees planted on south or west facing sides of homes can lower air conditioning costs by 10 to 15 percent. Home values can also increase by 5 to 20 percent.
With all the benefits and uses listed above, take time to consider and appreciate trees. In the shade of a tree one feels serene, peaceful, and restful. I celebrate summer in the shade of trees reading books in my hammock. The rustling of leaves and gentle breeze on my skin soothes my senses.
There are plenty of trees to view, enjoy, and provide shade at the Inn. Escape the hustles and bustles of your lives with a walk on our woodland trails or pack a lunch and a book and enjoy that maple on the hill pictured above.
Walking our trails, one can enjoy the diversity of species, leaf shapes, textures, and bark patterns. There’s plenty of wildlife amongst the trees to accompany your hiking observations as well!
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~Minnie Aumonier
My wife and I, celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary, hiked all the trails including the Red Trail which took us up to this very tree this morning. What a wonderful view as we turned around to look back down the path and out over the valley