Dear Honey Run Friends,
Watching the sunset is a magical experience for me. I have enjoyed the sunset in Florida on Turtle Beach on the Gulf Coast, from a seaside café in Jurmala, Latvia, from the desert in Jordan, from the bush in Uganda and over Lake Victoria in Uganda from an island, over the Black Hills and Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota, from lower Manhattan over the Hudson River, from Tel Aviv in Israel over the Mediterranean Sea, and from the hilltop trail at The Inn at Honey Run over the hills of Amish Country. In every location around the world the sunset is a constant. It does not discriminate from a people or a country. Its beauty is for all to enjoy, freely and without restrictions.
I have always enjoyed the calm that comes over me when observing the sunset. It does not matter if it is warm or cold, winter or summer; the sunset provides my soul a moment of rejuvenation and reflection. It forces me to slow down. In my research for this newsletter I came across a great article highlighting seven benefits of watching a sunset.
This article highlights the truth that most of us only stop to watch the sunset when we are on a vacation, but it encourages us to make this a daily ritual at our home. I could not agree more. I hope you make the time to watch the sunset this evening and begin this practice daily in your life. Put down the phone, silence the TV, leave your work stresses for a moment, and step outside into nature to just be for a few moments with the setting sun. Your soul will thank you.
Your sunset-awed Innkeeper,
I work as a nurse on the fifth floor in a hospital in Orlando, Florida and am privileged to view gorgeous sunsets on a weekly basis. The array of colors often take my breath away as I am astonished by their beauty. No matter how stressful my day has been , I am suddenly rejuvenated by the beauty of the earth and the blessing of another day.