Dear Honey Run Friends,
For over 12 years, I’ve been searching for an opportunity to establish an open-air art museum. Looking out at the natural environment around The Inn at Honey Run, I see that now is the time to make this dream a reality.
During the process of trying to purchase The Inn at Honey Run, I learned that no one accomplishes any achievements in this life without the help of many people. While not all dreams are realized, when we follow our dreams and share our vision of the future, life becomes the dream. The journey expands life experiences and provides us with a gift that can never be taken away.
Creating a new museum seems like a ridiculous feat, but so did exploring a flat earth or man flying like the birds in the atmosphere. Today, these once far-fetched ideas have become our reality. I’m excited to announce that The Holmes County Open Air Art Museum will be tomorrow’s reality.
Thank you for taking the time to hear my dream and thanks to all who have offered their support as we move forward with this project. If you’re curious, you can read more about our plans below.
Your hopeful curator,
Holmes County Open Air Art Museum
The Holmes County Open Air Art Museum will be a collection of artwork, sculptures, earthworks, and any other creations permanently installed outside, unprotected from the natural elements. It will be art that you can walk through, gaze up at, and witness in each changing season, art that constantly evolves against the backdrop of rural farmland and forested trails.
We will encourage and seek out a variety of styles and media to provide a range of materials from natural to recycled. The vision and creativity of each artist will dominate the works of art.
Inspiration for the Museum
Around the world, rural locales are enriched and enhanced with public art — many countries in Europe and several in Asia and South America have an open air art museum. Even the United States has several variations of an open air art museum or sculpture garden.
In 2002, my family decided to take a trip to Latvia, where my mother’s side originated. My grandmother’s health was deteriorating and we wanted to have the opportunity to share this trip back to her native land with her. During the trip, I had the opportunity to visit the Open Air Art Museum at Pedvale. My imagination awakened as I walked around the landscape, taking in the works of art. I’d always appreciated art and enjoyed the museum experience, but this cool June day in Latvia uncovered a passion for interacting with art in an open air format. I’ve been looking for an opportunity to start something like this in the United States ever since.

Other inspirational open air art museums include Inhotim in Brumadinho, Brazil; Middleheim Museum in Antwerp, Belgium; and Storm King Art Center in New Windsor, NY.
Check back for updates in the spring of 2015 as we continue planning and move toward the first installations.