Dear Honey Run Friends,
I am completely overwhelmed. I usually work around 65 hours a week. Recently, due to staff shortages, this has spiked to over 90 hours each week. I have been having a pity party for myself, often allowing myself to slip into the hole of being overwhelmed. When my body lacks the proper sleep, I quickly lose perspective.
This morning I was the opening worker at the front desk, so I woke up at 5:30am to get prepared for work at 7am. I took a few minutes to complete my daily devotions and I was filled with the old hymn “It Is Well With My Soul”. As I sang my way through the song, I was reminded that I have countless blessings and rather than focus on what desires I have that are not happening due to my current situation, I need to focus on what I do have. I have family, friends, and a church family who love me. I have the ability to work and earn a living at a place that touches my heart daily. I am blessed with excess income in my work, so I am able to support charities and causes that give my life and work meaning. I have shelter over my head and food on my table every day. I have clean water and clothes. I know who I am and whose I am. I know where all my blessings come from, and I recognize that my life and all I am is a gift. It is well with my soul!
It is easy to lose perspective. George Bailey in It’s a Wonderful life gave a us a great image of how we can lose perspective with a few negative circumstances in life. It took an angel to come and show him all he has in life and remind him that he is valuable. We are all valuable and loved by our Creator. We may hate our circumstances, but we must keep perspective. I know my situation does not come close to the individuals out there fighting a terminal disease and staring at the end of their life on earth, or those who are clutched in the evil grasp of addiction that is slowly eating away at the self they once knew. We each have our own challenges; the key is that we see the sun through the clouds. We find a way to center our thoughts and lives and remember why we exist- to love. Love our Maker, love each other, and to love ourselves.
I am truly grateful to all of you. Meeting you and sharing your life stories is the highlight of the Inn. I have sat by the fire with some of you and visited. I have had you over to my house for a cigar. I have prayed with you at the front desk, and I have listened to you talk about how The Inn at Honey Run has been a sanctuary for you. This inn and its 56-acres are more than a resort, it is hallowed ground. What makes it a sanctuary is each of you. You come here to be renewed, reconnect with your loved ones, and to recenter your lives. This energy and love permeates the walls of the buildings and creates a loving bubble we know as The Inn at Honey Run.
I pray you have moments in life that you know it is well with your soul.
Your “it is well with my soul” Innkeeper,
Your letter touched me. This year has been so hard for so many people. Yet so many of us still have so many blessings to be grateful for. Our health, our loved ones, our friends and our faith in the lord are all examples. I hope you know how much joy in Inn brings to so many, and that is a direct reflection on you! So thank you. Your Inn and your hard work has given me so many fond memories❤️To look back on.
Thank you for all that you do to make the Inn the special place that it is. You and your staff are so appreciated by everyone who has had the privilege of staying here. It truly changes one’s mindset from everything is crazy with the world to all is right with the world.
Absolutely LOVE this! Prayers for you and thank you for always sharing your light with us
You are truly amazing. I will never forget the fun times we had with the Mercy group – your help on the hay wagons, etc. taking us to Millersburg. Times that I will never forget. You stayed with us and made sure the evening went well – the outdoor grill out, the after hours bonfire, everything was beyond what we could have ever asked for. Only thing missing – I have to make another trip there to stay and enjoy one of the honeycomb rooms. Love reading your newsletters – such a inspiration you are to so many. Keep up the great work!