Dear Honey Run Friends,
This time of year always seems to fill me with mixed emotions. There is the occasional spectacular sunny day that reminds me that spring is just around the corner, but most days I find myself struggling for motivation. The cold, dark and dreary weather often leaves me more consumed with hibernation than rejuvenation.
This year in particular I have been thinking a lot about a childhood friend, Andy D’Alesio, who passed away on February 25, 1989. He and a close friend of mine, Mike, tragically fell through the ice on a nearby pond. I googled Andy’s name to see if I could learn any more than I already knew and I did find a book, Kids with Courage, that had Andy’s story told through his parents. I was only 10 years old and in the fourth grade when the accident occurred, but I remember that Saturday night like it was yesterday. I was watching one of the Short Circuit movies on TV when I received a call from Mike at the hospital. He shared what happened and said Andy wasn’t doing well. A short time later Mike called back and said Andy was gone. How does a child comprehend death? We know about death but it really doesn’t seem tangible. While I knew Andy, he and I were not as close friends as Mike and I were. I wish I had known him better. Some days as I stare off through the forest and admire the scenery, wondering what would have come of Andy’s life had he lived. I think of his parents and the unnatural pain and suffering they dealt with over the years due to losing a child.
As I ponder the coming of spring, I am reminded of our journey through Lent and the promise of hope. Hope is a powerful tool in life. With hope we strive for better things to come. With hope we see the rebirth of spring, new life, and the celebration of new possibilities. We cannot have this appreciation for life without death, and if we maintain the proper perspective and maintain our faith, death does not have to be an extinguishment of life. It can instead represent a transitional event for our soul.
Hope is alive, it’s Friday, and Sunday’s coming!
Happy Easter!
Jason- My wife and I read your March letter with keen interest. We were long time residents of Reynoldsburg and we both worked in the school system so your story about Andy and Mike brought racing memories. Peggie was a nurses aide that served all of the elementary schools and I was the high school principal in 1989. We knew of Andy through the youth sports program as our second son, Trent, was also a 4th grader in 1989. Did you graduate from RHS? I left the principalship in 1995 but remained active in the school system for many more years.
Peggie and I are fairly frequent customers (no less than two trips a year) to the Inn. We are scheduled for our next stay on the 29th and 30th of April. We will track you down during our stay. Your recognition of your friend was a nice gesture and fitting for the Easter season. Dan and Peggie Hoffman
Thank you for sharing words of truth and hope to a hurting world. May many find their way to the foot of the cross and receive the gift of forgiveness so freely offered. Honey Run is “a little piece of heaven” to me.
Thanks Jason! Somehow, we all need this message. Sunday IS coming!
What a wonderful and inspiring message to share. We live in a world that has lost its way, and yes, we are in the midst of Friday. But keep the faith and continue the struggle, because the Lord is ever faithful and keeps His promises – “Sunday’s coming”!
Thank you, Jason.
Wow Jason! This is an awesome letter! Thank you so much for sharing. It is Friday, and SUNDAY IS COMING!
The Inn At Honey Run is our special place too!
Thank you for this wonderful message of hope. I have a dear friend who lost a 15 year old son three years ago, so can relate somewhat to that pain of losing a child as I’ve experienced parts of the journey with her…what keeps her going is that hope we have in Christ. Thank you for the video you posted also. It’s so easy to get lost & consumed in the midst of “Friday” in this world. My husband & I will be enjoying our first stay at the Inn in April…looking very forward to the peaceful retreat you seemingly provide! Blessings…Kristi
That is one of my favorite videos. Thanks for sharing the truth.