Dear Honey Run Friends,
In this digital age, where on any computer, television, or even phone, I can see or hear almost any image or sound anywhere in the world, the one truly distinctive memory I can capture is smell. The scent of a place reminds me that I personally experienced something, and it perfectly rounds off the visual and audible senses of that experience. I remember the smell of the incense burning in the Bethlehem church over the historic site of Jesus’s birth, the strong fresh aroma of sea air as I attended my sister’s Florida beach wedding, or what about the smell of a new car that first day you drive it off the lot, and the distinctive smells of your grandparents house. The scents of life are what add spice to the visual. Seeing a barn does not paint its full picture of standing outside that barn on a July evening and experiencing the smells, good and bad, that are associated with the animals and the calming scene.
This time of year is exciting for my senses as the smells of fall explode all around. If only you could scratch and sniff the screen and experience the incredible smells of autumn at The Inn at Honey Run. And yet, soon fall will be over, and we will begin with the new scents of Christmas and the holidays. What a blessing we have to be able to experience a new scent with each moment as we enjoy each day of a life well lived.
I pray that you have some time to stop and smell the scents of your surroundings and implant those smells with your other senses, building a truly complete memory of this perfect day.
Your amateur smeller and Innkeeper,
Wonderful article Jason! I will be down soon to capture some fall color with my camera and I will be sure to take in the smells of fall along the way.
What an eloquent reminder to “stop and smell the roses” wherever you are. Thank you, Jason.
Great post Jason! Sensory awareness truly does have a powerful way of putting us “right in the moment” enabling us to live our lives more fully.
Thanks for the post Jason. Looking forward to coming back to Inn at Honey Run. Enjoyed you spending the evening outing with my group from Mercy Health. We all still talk about it. Did want you to know Sr. Kathy passed away – the memories she had and shared with others before her passing about the Inn at Honey Run were amazing. What a great time we had! Thanks for making the Inn at Honey Run special for so many people.