Dear Honey Run Friends,
We as Americans all have pioneering family members to thank for our current home in the U.S.A. Their sacrifice and pursuit of a better life brought them to this great country, but they never forget where they came from or who they are at the core. I am one of the lucky ones who had the opportunity to travel back to my family’s homeland with my grandparents, who painted me a picture of their country through their memories. In 1999, I took my first of many trips to Latvia, exploring the country and villages with my family as we traced my ancestors’ points of origin and homes through the years.

In 2002, I was able to return to Latvia, and this time the entire family was able to travel over and see what I had been blessed to see just three short years before. I have a second cousin who owns a small-town newspaper in Tukums, Latvia, and during this trip, she had to cover an art opening at the Open-Air Art Museum at Pedvale. I went with her and I was blown away. I have always loved art and enjoyed museums, but this concept of an open-air museum took my imagination to new heights. The experience of art through the cool of a June summer afternoon in the countryside of Eastern Europe delighted me and started my creativity flowing. After this, I set out on a mission to recreate the feeling and experience here in the States so my fellow citizens can experience the joy of art outdoors as I first experienced it at Pedvale.
We lost my grandmother a few years ago and my grandfather on Halloween last week. His passing comes just three weeks before we announce our latest addition to the property, which is directly tied to my experiences with my grandparents. While this is a chapter closing in my family it is also a time of new beginnings. Please watch for our announcement in two weeks and if you are as excited as I am about this new development, be sure to share the dream with everyone you can so that we can bring the gift of art to reality.
Your hopeful innkeeper,
Hi, Jason,
Just read your letter and was very interested in both your Latvian roots and your plans for the Inn. Please accept my condolences on the loss of your grandfather. How wonderful, though, that both grandparents were living when
You had your all family return those years ago. I was born in Oslo and so know about close ties to one’s heritage. I have been lucky to have made many trips since 1983 and plan another next year.
This coming trip will be bittersweet since Bill died at the end of July. He had had A heart condition for years, and it finalLy caught up with him. It continues to be a great loss a and the Adjustment has been Hard. It also is the first time have lived by myself, ever! You know eh both loved the Inn. I a will be eager to return to see what you create. Thanks you for giving me such a good reason.
Take care of yourself and the Inn and that extended family. Be sure to keep me on your mailing list. Kari