I usually post my own pictures to accompany my blog text, but not this time! Although I do consider myself an early bird, there’s no way I’m camping out on the hill at 5am every morning to capture blog photos. Not when I have this dandy new camera to experiment with that does the early work for me!
If you’re a Facebook fan, you may recall bird‐cam photos that have been posted throughout the year. In addition to the bird‐cam, we’re now experimenting with a time‐lapse movie camera to capture outdoor happenings around the property. Both are available for purchase in our gift shop.
The camera is completely weather proof and takes photos or short videos at any time interval set. Thus far, I’ve been placing it up on our hill to capture the colors of daybreak. What a lovely way to stay in bed a bit longer, yet never miss the glorious morning sky! The pictures so far have been awesome; each day as I prepare to connect the camera to the computer for viewing I feel a bit of anticipation, knowing each will be unique.
The colors, clouds, silhouettes, and changes continue to amaze.
But what’s really cool about the camera, is the ability to convert photos to video and fast‐forward hours, days, weeks, even months into a single video.
How cool is that?!
The camera can be used for many other purposes too. Capturing flowers unfolding, outdoor events, seasonal changes, it’ll be fun to get creative with! I look forward to sharing more photos and videos in blogs to come!
Photography is one of the most universal languages around,
and you do not have to say a word. –