Provided is a list of plants to add to your garden for great fall color. Fall is a great season to visit nurseries, oftentimes there are great sales!
Nyssa sylvatica- black gum, black tupelo
Acer japonicum- full moon maple
Amelanchier x grandiflora ‘Autumn Brilliance’ – serviceberry
Cercidiphyllum japonicum- Katsura tree
Cercis canadensis ‘Covey’- weeping eastern redbud
Itea virginica –Virginia sweetspire (great alternative to burning bush, the cultivar ‘Little Henry’ is a nice, compact size)
Aronia sp.- chokeberry
Fothergilla gardenii – dwarf fothergilla
Hydrangea quercifolia sp.- Oakleaf hydrangea
Amsonia hubrichtii – blue star
Hylotelephium sp.- stonecrop, sedum
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides- plumbago
Ornamental grasses