Below is a list of perennials & grasses that can stand the heat!
- Baptisia – False Blue Indigo
- Agastache – Anise Hyssop
- Echinops – Globe Thistle
- Festuca Glauca – Blue Fescue
- Nepeta – Catmint
- Perouskia – Russian Sage
- Salvia – Perennial Salvia
- Sedum – Stonecrop
Below are a list of heat tolerant plants & fantastic food sources for birds:
- Echinacea – Coneflower
- Liatris – Gayfeather
Thanks for the great list and happy that Agastache can stand the heat, but what about Black mondo grass? Could plz help me with this, i love Black mondo grass!! @ Lisa
Hi Lisa!
Black mondo grass is a really neat plant! Unfortunately, it’s marginally hardy in our zone (although zones have recently changed), therefore, I’ve not had experience with it in any gardens I’ve ever worked in. However, I did look up culture information for you and it seems it will not tolerate drought, it prefers consistently moist soil. Try it in a container where you can enjoy it from a special spot and quickly and easily keep it watered.