Dear Honey Run Friends,
The symphonic sounds from the bird chorus have made their seasonal return to The Inn at Honey Run, and it is even more relaxing than I remember. Every year as I mature, I grow a deeper passion for these creatures and their contributions to our ecosystem, along with the beauty and living art they exhibit. In addition to the functional processes that birds complete of pollinating plants and spreading seed, they share a graceful beauty as they go about their daily tasks. How many of us appreciate their contribution? When is the last time you stopped and spent the afternoon watching a bird build its nest? As many of you know, we take birds serious here at The Inn, and we care for the birds in many ways, including our numerous bird feeders, visible from every room, and the purposely planted vegetation that benefits their habitat.
Please share with me any birding ideas you have, so we can continue to grow our amenities in sharing the birding experience at The Inn at Honey Run. We are looking for new ways to make these beautiful creatures more accessible to our guests and to create a unique birding encounter.
I hope you can come and enjoy these magnificent creatures for yourself as you let the stresses of this crazy world melt away, and as you watch the simplicity of a bird’s life, treat your eyes to their colorful expression of movement above our heads.
Your birding-enthusiast Innkeeper,
How about a webcam on a bird’s nest? Do you have a bird that nests around the Inn same place each year? Do you get barn swallows? They are great fun to watch!
I think, with all the beauty that surrounds Honey Run, you could have chosen a more appropriate picture to open this site.
Mary Faith Geelan
Dear Jason,
You are absolutely the best person to be running the Inn. I love to get the updates and your letters and I am hoping that this spring will get me back for at least a day or two. I am eager to see the sheep and even more to see the sculptures in the woods.
Kari (Inglis)
How about feeders just for squirrels? The bungee corn Cobb feeders are a lot of fun to watch their antics! Beth and David Williams
My husband and I love to sit in our favorite room and watch the birds! We would love to have a bird feeder on the corner in room 227! We position those comfy chairs toward da the corner and can see the barn across the street, the stream running through the woods.. a high bird feeder outside the corner would be awesome!!
We LOVE The Inn!
Jennifer Hamm