Dear Honey Run Friends,
The question that has been circling in my mind today is, what has brought me joy today? Life is funny how there are different situations along our journey that bring us joy. For instance, today I was driving across Holmes County to do some errands and I witnessed a young horse chasing a chicken in circles in a pasture. While this may not have been enjoyable for the chicken, watching the young horse in its childlike pursuit of the chicken around and around made me chuckle and stop for a moment reflecting on how this simple scene brought a smile to my face.
I think about my friends with children and how they light up when they share a daily victory that their child achieved. Just a few years ago this would not have even phased them, but now it touches their innermost soul. Then there is the couple celebrating 50 years of marriage and you can see their love in the way that the husband helps steady his bride’s balance as she struggles to walk. Pure joy.
Joy is different than happiness. Joy is a calming sense of peace that permeates through my soul. It is not situational, but rather, situations allow my eyes to be opened to joy and cause me to calm my spirit and have this joy percolate up through me. Joy is always in me when I am centered on my Creator and when I have my life in proper perspective. A great example of this is often heard from people facing the end of their life. They share how they finally have the proper perspective and joy that cannot be explained as they face their mortality.
I was asked recently by a friend, “Do you regret buying the Inn ever? “The question caught me off guard and I gave the answer, no. I shared how yes there have been challenges but the good has outweighed the bad. As I reflected more on this question over the passing days, I realized that there is so much more to this answer. My answer is still no, I do not regret buying the Inn. But my true answer is no because the Inn has opened me up to great joy. I have been made a better person for this experience. I have met countless great people through our staff and guests. I have grown as a person learning more about myself and my journey through this life. I have been afforded the ability to commune with nature all around me on our property and the surrounding area. This life was not one I ever imagined for myself in my younger days, but as I mature, I am learning this path is the perfect path for me. Learning to slow down and appreciate rural life has allowed me to quiet the noise of this world and listen for God’s voice. It has allowed me to be in a regular state of joy and appreciate each moment that I am afforded on this side of eternity.
Your joyful innkeeper,
We are missing the joys of the Inn. Hope to get back there some day.
This is nice and very interesting for me to read.
It even makes me feel like visiting the place
For sure am having happiness and joy too
Baluka Monic(God cares)
God bless you
This letter brings joy! Thank you and God bless you & The Inn!
Kathleen K.
Is There horseback riding?
We do not have horseback riding on site but there are a wide array of off-property amenities to enjoy! You can learn more here.
Your letter makes me want to return to The Inn and the peace and joy that live in and around it. It is a quiet joy and what could be better?
I love your writings and your transparency. My husband and I visited Honey Run a couple of years ago and have placed it on our “must do again” list.
I, also, love nature and feel a real connection with God through observing it, smelling it and being filled with wonderment at it. I think that is why Honey Run is so special.
Thank you for sharing.
Shirley & Steve Parrott
Your letter is perfect timing today! I was having the most stressful day today! While driving through traffic on my way home, I noticed a beautiful, golden reddish brown dog head sticking out the back window of his owner’s vehicle. His ears flopping in the wind. This was my joy, it calmed me. I realized I was driving with a big ole grin plastered on my face!
So I was glad to read about your horse story today! Thank you for noticing the joy and sharing!
I so enjoy your letters from the Inn. You are a calming present-in a troubled world. God has been trying to get our attention and I believe,because of Covid19 , we are finally listening. I am astonished by the depth of your messages in your letters. Keep up the inspirational work, Hope to return to The Inn very soon and to meet you in person. Catherine
Thank you so much for your beautiful letter. Joy is so often missed in our busy lives, and we did it so badly. We have celebrated several anniversaries at Honey Run and hope to celebrate our 62nd this year. Joy can be found all around us if we only look. God bless you!