August 2015
Dear Honey Run Friends,
I am exhausted. Running day and night always feeling the pressure and demands of work start to weigh me down. And then, I read this quote from Norman Vincent Peale:
“Drop the idea that you are Atlas carrying the world on your shoulders. The world would go on even without you. Don’t take yourself so seriously.”
Ouch. That humbled me. Then I move on to feeling sorry for myself at my recent failures. I stumble upon this quote from Theodore Roosevelt:
“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”
These words are a truth I needed to hear. As I begin to look up rather than look in I find this quote from Charles Swindoll about attitude:
“We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.”
I then look up from my laptop and soak in the sunny summer afternoon realizing that I am having this moment of “poor me” surrounded by this absolutely beautiful forest and natural setting found at The Inn at Honey Run. And then, as if prompted, a bird just lands on the chair next to me, less than 2 feet from my lap. It sang to me while looking me over. Our interaction could not have been better planned. It was as though the bird knew I needed a moment of affirmation and welcome to the concert. It appears that what I needed is an afternoon listening to the sounds of the world in harmony.
Do you?
Jason, I really enjoyed reading your letter. It’s just what I needed to read!
Do you remember playing with Dan and Megan when you were little and our families would often get together?
My parents often stayed at The Inn because it was so peaceful and inspiring. My dad was a busy minister and my mom was a teacher. They loved being able to get away and felt renewed by spending time there. We even had Thanksgiving dinner there once or twice. And Art and I have since been back to visit.
Take care. So glad that I “liked” your website. I enjoy it very much.
Sincerely, Jennifer Block
I love that you take the time to share these thoughts, and in turn share the example of turning from the feelings of overwhelm into those of appreciation. Thank you for sharing a great version of the “gratitude journal” that can benefit us all!
It is so beautiful at this Inn.. This place takes you away from the worlds wrong doings and brings you into a oneness with God and all He has created us to be. For you see all that we are God foresaw. He knew then and He knows now what our furture holds and this Inn helps remind us of all the grace He has for us ahead. Press on .
Beautiful Jaso, as is Honey Run. The best!