It’s hard to believe that with much perseverance and patience, something as tedious and minute as zip-tying one paint stick, to one net, over and over and over again tens of thousands of times, could create such a magnificent structure with depth, contrast, movement, and unity. Watch the timelapse to see Cleveland artist, Lauren Skunta’s process from start to finish during installation week.

My hope is that the piece is viewed differently in every season. When the trees are full of leaves, the art installation will be hidden from view until guests turn around a bend in the trail. When the trees are less dense, my hope is that guests see the yellow hue in the distance and venture out to see what it is.”

– Lauren Skunta

About the Piece

Archer’s Roost is made up of over 12,000 hand-dyed paint sticks secured to a net that inexplicably floats overtop the trail of the OAAM. The natural yet vibrantly colored structure blows fluidly in the wind, creating a honeycomb-like tunnel  that lives and breathes with the surrounding air. As if the visual stimulation wasn’t enough, Archer’s Roost provides a soothing, wooden chime sound effect as the wind drifts through each of the thousands of paint sticks.

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Lauren brought a fresh, modern vision to the OAAM with her installation, Archer’s Roost. Skunta is a Cleveland-based artist specializing in custom displays with a background in drawing and painting.

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