Dear Honey Run Friends,
This month is all about love. This can stir up good feelings, but it also can bring pain and sorrow to the forefront of our mind. Some of us are in romantic relationships where we feel like we are floating on the clouds in sheer joy and love while some have been in a loving relationship that this spark has simmered some over the years. Some of us have experienced the love of our life but feel pain when faced with this reminder of love as our loved one has moved on from this life and left us behind. Some of us have never experienced or found this love in this life and are content while waiting while others are anxious and sad in this state of waiting. No matter our situation I am filled with hope with the love of God for each and everyone of us. To know true love, you must know the giver of love, God. When you wake up each morning do you know every breath you take is a loving gift from your Creator? Do you know you are loved? You are! You are loved more than any other human can give you because of the love of your Father.
With this love in mind, I am comforted in my times of trial and pain. I am comforted when I look out the window at the chilly landscape and I see a world of chaos working in tandem for order beyond my comprehension. I see beauty in the sunrise, in the glistening of the trees with the faint snowfall on the limbs. I see love in the interactions between friends, family, and acquaintances in daily life. I know that when I get to experience the incredible love from my wife it is because God first loved us that we can get glimpse of His love through others in this life.
I pray this month of February as we celebrate love and relationships that every one of you has a moment regardless of your current lot or station in life to look up and know that you are in the greatest love story ever written with your Lord and Savior. He loves you more than you can ever know. I hope you can feel this love and His presence. I hope that you leap out of bed each morning with the knowledge that you are valued, loved, and cared for as the unbelievable, inconceivable, unrepeatable miracle of God that you are!
Your loved innkeeper,